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The females are slightly smaller than the males. Females should be about 22-25 lbs. and males about 24-27 lbs. Any larger than that usually means they are overweight

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No any healthy dog 3 years old is fully grown.

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Q: Will a 3 year old cocker spaniel grow any more?
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How often should you feed a 6 year old cocker spaniel?

twice a day

What if your 1 year old cocker spaniel virgina is swollen?

........... Did you perhaps mean to say "Vagina"?

In what year did the American Kennel Club grant a separate breed designation for the English Cocker Spaniel?


Any specific information and MEDICATIONS on treating a chronic ear infection in one ear of a seven year old Cocker Spaniel?

I also have a seven year old Cocker Spaniel that had chronic ear infections... however she also ended up cauliflower ear and had her ear canals removed -but i do know that Cocker Spaniels are known for having ear troubles, I can get more information about the medication we used and other information soon, I'll tell as soon as I can.

How fast do cocker spaniels grow?

It's quite shocking when their a puppy, just like a baby. They seem to shoot up. But they don't get that big so don't worry :) They grow to be... let me out it this way. When they are fully grown their head should be about the size they were when they a very small puppy :) so yes, pretty fast the first year, but then they slow down :)

Can a chihuahua and cocker spaniel breed?

probably...quite by accident our 6 year old cocker spaniel, Lillie, who has never had babies bred with my daughters 18 month old chihuaua, yes they can. She should be giving birth in about 2 weeks and we are eager to see what thgey will look like and what there temperment will be. She is very loving ,affectionate, and loyal while he is a bundle of energy and stubborn.

What should you do if you have an 18 year old cocker spaniel put it down or wate for it to die?

If it's both terminal & in pain you might want to consider taking it in. You don't want your friend to suffer needlessly.

When does a cocker spaniel puppy become an adult dog?

After 9 minths if age, any breed of dog is typically considered an adult

When will the beaver Webkinz come out?

Nobody really knows, but so far not this year because I have a calender of when new webkinz come out.You can Check otherwise If this helps here is some new wbknz coming out, The Chicken,The mouse,and the Cocker Spaniel.

In which year was the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel recognized by the AKC?

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was recognized by the AKC in 1995.

How much should a 4 year old cocker spaniel?

It should weigh up to 24-28 pounds, if your Cocker Spanial is over weigh I recommond a walk everyday or three times a week. If this isnt posible because of jobs or other busy stuff. as a friend to help you out, or even your childeren or husben/wife. if none of this is posible then you could give them less food. If this is already done and its not working then you got one fat dog

3 year old English springer spaniel and want a new puppy what kind should you get?

well a springer spaniel but if you don't want the same kind of dog.... Any kind of spaniel would be good.