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A small piece of pretzel will not hurt your rabbit. But dry bread is a better alternative as a treat.

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Q: Will a small piece of pretzel hurt a rabbit?
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Quickly run away this is not a rabbit but a sign from god and dont worry your rabbit will respawn in 3 days. Lets try a real answer. I have never seen a rabbit eat stones. This could be a sign he needs something to eat to wear his teeth down (a rabbit is a mono-fidant which means his teeth grow continually.) Try giving him a piece of fruit wood to chew on, anything but apricot which contains toxins. The stones will probablyu just pass thru his system but try adding some treats to his diet also to discourage the stone eating.

How do you comfort a rabbit when he's hurt?

Give it a stick of dynamite.

How old will a small rabbit with a hurt stomache live?

Depends on how badly it is hurt. If it is a small wound it will live for the normal lifespan of 7 years, but if it is something more serious I will give it a maximum of 2-3 years. All I can recommend is to give it as much love and support as you can and take it to a veterenarian to give it proper treatment