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I have never heard of humans getting heartworms, just dogs and cats & other mammals, but I do KNOW that GARLIC would not kill them.

If a dog is infected, then the Vet would use an arsenic type of poison to get rid of the adult heartworms. I do believe they use something milder or different nowadays.

If you have a dog or cat, best to have them checked first to make sure they are heartworm negative by your Veterinarian, then put them on a heartworm preventative once a month year around. Mosquitoes are the intermediate host, in other words they are the ones who pass on the heartworm from dog to dog or cat to cat.

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Q: Will garlic kill heartworms in people?
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Does garlic kill heartworms?

Sometimes Sometimes

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No, beer does not kill heartworms.

Does heartgard kill heartworms already inside dogs?

Heartgard only kills the microfillare, the immature stage of heartworms (or baby heartworms). It will not kill the adult heartworms that live in the heart. That is why it is very important to have your dog tested first by a Veterinarian for heartworms.

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Many people believe that feeding their animals a garlic supplement will kill fleas.

Why are heartworms so dangerous in animals?

because they can kill the animal

Why is a exam for heartworm required annualy if the dog is on heartworm med yearround and is positive for heartworms?

Because if the dog has heartworms and you give a preventive, it can harm or kill the dog. Preventives are not safe for a dog that already has heartworms, except in some circumstances where it was caught very early.

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Why do onions can kill ants?

Onions alone are not known to kill ants. A combination of onions, soap, garlic, cayenne, and water is a solution people claim work to kill ants.

Can heartworms be cured?

Yes, a heartworm infection can be "cured" by killing the adult heartworms and the circulating microfilaria in the blood. However, there may be permanent damage to the heart depending on the number of worms present and how long they have been present.

What type of tree promotes heartworms?

Trees have nothing to do with heartworms.

Does vinegar kill heartworms?

Vinegar will kill heart worms in some breeds of dogs. It also depends on how bad and how long your dog has had the worms that determines if vinegar will work or not.