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No, they may vomit..safiest thing to do is take to a veternarian or call Poison Control for a check-up. But not death!

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Q: Will your dog die if she bit through a glow stick?
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What happens if you get glow stick juice in your eye and what should you do?

prepare to die.

What happens if the stuff in a glow stick gets on your skin?

is not toxic, do not worry you will not die

How do you save the light of a glow stick?

sometimes it last a little bit if you stick it in the freezer but it will fade. If you dont want them to die i recommend just buy battery ones there brighter and better check out they have a huge variety use the code RaveFreak for free gifts and discounts

How can you make a dolls hair glow in the dark?

Buy a glow in a dark hair color die n die the dolls hair and it will glow

When did Bernie Glow die?

Bernie Glow died in 1982.

Can you die from glow sticks if you break it in your mouth?

No but i believe you can get sick, if you got a little bit in your mouth, your safe, but if you got alot in your mouth, then u can get sick

Can You die from a glow stick?

no, though hydrogen peroxide and phenol are components of the liquid inside a glow stick, you won't die from that. Ingesting peroxide can't be good for you, but in such small quantities will just upset your stomach. I have seen this happen to rookie show goers before. Its tempting but dont chew on it! Bring candy instead, or better yet get candy from a beautiful glowstickchick and dance with her for 4 hours. Now that might kill you, but not the sticks

Can glow stick liquid kill cats?

no there not toxic it will just make the cat sick for a few days don't worry it won't die

Do bones glow when you die?

No. Go to a museum and you will see ancient bones of people and animals they do not glow.

What type of energy dose a light stick have?

Assuming that you are referring to non-electric light sticks, it is chemical energy. The reaction is started by mechanical energy (cracking the stick). The chemical nature of glow sticks is also evident in the fact that they die down eventually after the reactants are used up.

How can you tell if someone love's you?

you feel inseparable, you would die for them, you stick with them through anything, or everything, and its really something that cant be broken

When did Gordon Stick die?

Gordon Stick died in 1986.