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narcissist is one of those "buzz words" that everyone likes to use to the point that it has no meaning. Maybe he's just a jerk. Maybe he is immature and can't maintain a relationship and wants the constant feeling of infatuation. Maybe it was YOU (maybe not). Narcissism is a severe disorder that has specific characteristics and can only be truly diagnosed by a therapist. But it's nice to assign names to what people do so that we can feel better for not having that particular malady. Let�s face it, we�re all screwed up. We can�t get out of childhood without being screwed up because as a child we were all smaller than everyone else and felt inferior. Is it �normal� to want to assign a name to other�s behaviors? We do it, it just isn�t healthy. Move on. Don�t worry about what he does, just make yourself better. Probably more personal advice than is appropriate on this web site, but it�s actually good advice.

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Q: Would a true narcissist replace their family and try to have children right away with another woman if you've left him and taken the children?
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Can ex make you a narcissist?

You can become narcissistic afterwards, but you will not turn into a true narcissist. Stay away from him and go back to your family and hang around them for a while.

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DCF stands for department of children and families where basically if the parents or children are doing something that could potentianaly harm another being the DCF takes the person at risk away to a safe location usually for children it's another family

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limit the amount of children each family can have like china..each family can have two children one to replace each parent so the population isn't growing but staying the same

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Adolf Hitler had another 5 brothers and sisters

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Either take them with you, or let another family member watch them?

What happened to Kappler's children?

Kappler's children were taken into care by Italian authorities after his arrest for war crimes. They were eventually adopted by another family.

What is a COMPLETE family..?

I think having a complete family means having a mother and father that actually love one another, They form a bond and a circle of trust with one another, then they have children, raise them to be good citizens of society, send them to college to receive some type of degree, then the children also get married and have children and they to start the perfect cycle of a complete family all over again.

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The blended family is a family formed when either a man or woman from a previous marriage marries again to another partner whether male or female who has children aswell.

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She is just another woman.

How do you deal with grown children who have witnessed a fathers narcissist behavior but expect their mother to stay with him because breaking up the family is now your fault and too painful to accept?

Offer the option to the Father. Tell him stop his attitude because it is affecting your relationship.

Will your ex narcissist bother you and his unborn child if you ignore him?

Most Narcissist find children bothersome and don't enjoy their children like other normal people do. They generally leave the rearing of the children up to the mother. However, because Narcissists often consider their wife, children down to the family dog THEIR property like a car, house, etc., he may put up a fight. You may have to seek legal counsel. Be warned that unless that if your Narcissistic partner has not been diagnosed with a Narcissistic personality by a psychiatrist or psychologist this may be tough in court to prove and you may well have to let him have joint custody. I suggest you seek legal counsel.