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Q: Would dish soap kill cactus plants?
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Will fire kill a cactus?

Yes, fire can kill cactus plants depending upon its nearness and intensity. Cactus plants handle extreme, harsh environments. But even they have their limits. For example, they're cold sensitive. They likewise can be scorched by intense heat or light.

Can you kill cactus by noise?

i don't think we can kill cactus by noise but i am not sure.

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Does bleach kill cactus plants?

Yes, bleach in sufficient quantities kills cactus plants. Bleach contains a form of chlorine, which is used to kill germs in water. Diluted bleach is one of the gardener's remedies for plant and soil problems. But the bleach must be very much diluted, used in very small amounts, and applied very irregularly to cause more good than harm.

How do you kill a cholla jumping cactus?

You would have to dig up the plant and destroy the roots, then make sure that the cactus is not touching the ground anywhere because cacti will root from their areoles. If you remove the cactus then take it to an area where if will not bother you if it takes root again.

Would a desert storm kill a cactus?

Persistent heavy rains, especially during in colder months, can cause root rot which will kill a cactus. Rare surges of bitterly cold weather that remain in place for several days can kill some species of cacti. Flash floods can wash cacti out of the ground and may kill them if they are unable to root themselves elsewhere.

If catcus was taken from it habitat and put it in a rainforest?

The cactus would not survive. If not insects, animals, or fungus that would attack it, the lack of sunlight and overabundance of moisture would kill the cactus. On the other hand, if you took a broad-leafed jungle plant and put it in the desert, it would not survive there, either.

When making homemade weed killer vinegar salt and dishwashing liquid do you use hand dish soap or auto dish soap?

You would use hand dish soap. Because auto dish soap has bleach in it. The bleach would kill every thing. And the bleach is a poison.

What would not help a saguaro survive in the desert?

Too much water or temperatures below freezing can damage or kill a saguaro cactus.

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How do you master a weapon in cactus mccoy 2?

in order to master a weapon in Cactus McCoy 2, you have to kill 50 Enemigos with it

Does mouthwash kill bugs on plants?

There is nothing in mouthwash that will kill ants. The only way it would kill ants is if they would drowned in it.