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Consult your doctor to make sure.

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Q: You are 16 weeks pregnant and haven't felt your baby move is this okay?
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I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i have never felt my baby kick. is this normal?

I think its perfectly normal, im 19 weeks pregnant and was panicking because i hadnt felt the baby move yet, but about two nights ago it did move. I also heard that it can take up to 26 weeks until you feel your baby move, so dont panic yet.

Im 21 weeks and havent felt my baby kick for almost 2 days and i have been stressing a lot what should you do?

first you should go to the doctor for a check up and see if you really are pregnant,or else you should talk to it and see if the baby will notice your voice and may be start to move.

22 weeks pregnant and haven't felt the baby move but heart beat is fine is there somthing wrong?

i would have a scan asap

How soon can the baby be felt by others if you felt the baby at 16 weeks?

I'm 17 weeks today and my fiancee has felt the baby twice. Also, my sister is 24 weeks and the baby stops kicking when she trys to let anyone feel it. It really just depends on the baby.

Is it normal to be 18wks pregnant with your third child and have no fetal movement at all?

Absolutly, I felt my 3rd baby kick once at 17 weeks and then nothing till 22 weeks, exactly when I felt my other two start kicking.

I am 19 weeks pregnant and why does my belly feels hard?

Dont worry. It's supposed to be. It will get harder and bigger and if you haven't felt your baby move you will be felling it soon

Can a woman feel that she is pregnant within 3 weeks?

yes!! i found out i was pregnant at three weeks. I just felt different and sure enough i got a faint positive.

Can you feel movement at 13 weeks pregnant?

I am 13 weeks pregnant also. This is my second pregnancy, and I felt my daughter (1st Pregnancy) at 13 weeks. This baby, I felt around 10, so yes, it's possible. Usually most mom's will feel their babies for the first time around 16 weeks or so....but if you can tell that it's NOT gas, then yes, it's your baby.It's usually felt extremely low, and will feel like tiny bumps (Not a full kick or anything) and I'll explain to you what it felt like to know when your eye twitches? That's sort of what it feels like in your lower abdomen.Hope this helps.

How can you feel your baby move at six weeks?

Actually at six weeks pregnant you cannot feel any movements at all by my knowledge. You may think it's the baby but it may be gas or other things going on with you. Fetal movements can be felt at 20 weeks or more i believe. Google it but i am sure you can't feel movements that soon.

How soon do you feel breast tenderness when pregnant?

As soon as 5-6 weeks as scripted in pregnant book. I felt it at about 5 wks preggers.

How do you use the word belly in a sentence?

She placed her hand on her pregnant belly, feeling the baby kick.

Should you feel the baby move or kick at twenty three weeks?

YES because quickening is felt at 18 to 20 weeks.