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With hearts soaring, passion fizzes through your veins. Every word is a sweet treat; every moment spent together is a little treasure. Truth be told, you can't get enough of your baby-boo, your sweet honey bunny or whichever other cute endearment you see fit (insert here) The truth is, once the rose tinted glasses start to slip a bit and you get into the second-sight/ second seeing of your partner (a Deepak Chopra teaching), you realize that the halo that you had first bestowed on your amore has begun to slip just a little bit. For the first time you realize that hey, your little angel-face might actually be human and possess feet of clay.

Ladies and gentleman, love and infatuation can hold us enthralled in its grip, overwhelm our senses and then leave us writhing in confusion on the sidewalk, scratching our heads once we move beyond the honeymoon phase. Now that you've set the butterflies from your tummy free in the garden and come crashing back down to earth with a resounding bump, there is also the little matter of understanding each other and what motivates the other one to act, think/tick that is critical in driving the relationship forward. Let the real work begin.

If you have been truly fortunate and blessed to have found that amazing relationship, one of the most critical aspects of understanding each other is to ask the question: What is your love language? Too often we get to a place of darkness and find ourselves deeper and deeper at loggerheads with the people we love instead of simply trying to mirror how the other may be feeling before we take a moment to react. Before we get in too deep, let us first define what a love language is before exploring just how it is that couples can navigate this tricky area effectively.

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  • It is quite common for individuals who have known each other when younger to move in different directions in their life; marry; have children; divorce of become widowed or become a widower. If they are lucky enough to be in contact with their first love it is very possible that the two people were always meant to be together. There is nothing wrong with being love and hoping to have a fulfilled life together as it's been a long time coming.
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Q: You have been together since you were 10 and 11 you have both married and divorced different people you are in love again and you are now 60 Soulmates?
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