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Yes because it will only get worse. You will have to be put on oral anti biotics and other meds to improve it

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Q: You have moderate to moderately severe acne and you are very embarrassed by it at school but you are only 12 should you ask your parents to see a dermatologist?
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If you and your parents have insurance, then you should be able to go to a dermatologist. However, keep in mind that they may also be concerned about money for the co-pay.

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What is the independence?

Independence is when a human being or an animal decides that they do not need there parents to do everything for them. When that does happen a human can tend to get embarrassed or shout at their parents but animals just walk away.

What is the term independence?

Independence is when a human being or an animal decides that they do not need there parents to do everything for them. When that does happen a human can tend to get embarrassed or shout at their parents but animals just walk away.