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Catfish eggs are fertilized by the male after being

They must be goldfish eggs. It is nearly impossible to have catfish breed on their own in a tank or pond.

Any fish female can have eggs, the eggs are fertilized after the female lays the eggs.

So if the eggs hatch then most likely they be goldfish.

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Q: You only have one catfish and a few goldfish and the catfish had eggs how?
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Do goldfish let their eggs down in one go?

over a period of a few hours

When do the goldfish have the babies?

When they mate a few days after they will eggs. They tend to do this when it is about 70 degrees in the tank as it simulates spring when they would lay eggs in the wild.

What fish is said to be forgetful?

The goldfish It is said a goldfish only has a memory span of just a few seconds

Do Dalmatian mollies get along with goldfish?

Goldfish should only live with goldfish except for a few exceptions such as a bristlenose pleco or apple snails for example

Can a goldfish be with a ghostshrimp?

No, Goldfish belong with goldfish with a few exceptions such as weather (dojo) loaches, apple or mystery snails, or bristlenose plecos; but only if you have a large enough tank.

Can red ear sliders live with goldfish without eating them?

No, goldfish should only live with goldfish with a few small exceptions that do not include red ear sliders.

Can you teach your goldfish tricks?

Yes, but it requires constant bribes, and goldfish only have a memory span of three months. Few people have taught their fish tricks,

Will a sea snail eat goldfish waste?

Snails are bottom feeders so they will usually eat debris at the bottom of a tank, as well as some algae if they come upon it. They can usually eat leftover flakes from regular fish feeding, but you may want to drop in a few pellets for them here and there to make sure that they have adequate food. If you have catfish or any other bottom feeders, they will eat these as well.

What happens to a goldfish if they lay eggs and their is no male goldfish in the tank?

The eggs won't be fertilized, and will not hatch. It is almost impossible to sex a goldfish, but generally, males may be a little less egg shaped than females. Males develop white spots on their pectoral fins and gills (do not confuse this with white spot- also known as Ich ) at the age of sexual maturity, which is about 1-2 years of age. Unless you put all of the adult goldfish that are currently in you tank into another tank, the eggs will probably be eaten by the parents within a few hours.

How long does it take for a goldfish to grow a full size baby in its tummy?

Goldfish can not get pregnant. They are egg layers. The female sprays thousands of eggs into the water in the breeding season (spring) and the eggs are fertilised by the males after they have been sprayed out. The eggs then take a few days to develop into baby fish (fry).

Can the sworedtail fish live with the fantail fish?

No, you should only keep goldfish with goldfish (with very few exceptions such as a bristlenose pleco, apple snail or weather loach for example)

Have goldfish's really have a terrible memory as people say?

There have been a few studies on it, goldfish actually have a memory of about 3months. There have been a few studies on it, goldfish actually have a memory of about 3months.