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Q: You were supposed to have all 4 of your wisdom teeth removed you believe only the bottom 2 were There is no indication that the top were taken out and they were impacted Is this possible?
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No, they are not supposed to believe in UFO's or Gypsies. However they do believe in saints. (Saint Mary, Saint John, Saint Peter.)

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No, the devil does not have the power to control or manipulate one's perception in a way that makes them see things that are not really there. Factors such as mental health conditions, medications, or environmental influences are what usually contribute to such experiences.

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I do not believe that you have to but I do believe that it's recommended that you do.

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There is no indication that he was killed. I believe your question might have been influenced by the film 7am Arivu. It is simply a fictionalization of the monk's life. Chinese records simply state that he died. Given that he was supposed to be 150 years old (surely an embellishment), he probably died of old age.

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I believe that means that you are supposed to multiply the numbers.

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I believe in Nubia and Ethiopia. According the World Civilizations AP Edition.

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I believe their supposed to be calm but they can be hiper at times:)

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No 2012 is not real.

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