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dnt wrry bowt it. you can do much betta xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Q: Your ex broke up with you 8 weeks ago and is already seeing someone else it hurts so much?
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What does it mean when someone says their heart hurts from missing you?

usually it means that they are really missing you and they cant bare not seeing you.

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It just hurts in general when you know someone does not find you attractive or appealing anymore.

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I believe losing someone is worse because you know they just left you but not having someone you already know it you get used to it quicker.

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Most likely yes. If you havnt already i reccomend seeing a doctor

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it is when you ask someone if the want a hurts doughnut and then punch them in the arm and say hurts don't it.

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prevent you from seeing things correctly!

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It is wrong because it hurts the person you are with. You are betraying them by kissing someone else. You are picking someone else over them and it hurts their feelings.

What do you do if someone hurts you?

Leave him and pretend he does not exist.

Seeing him hurts Should you change job where you see each other?

If you are able to avoid him do so.

When having a gallbladder attack does it hurt to breathe in?

yes, it does! its like someone is squeezing your stomach, your heart, and back. it hurts to breathe, it hurts to move, it hurts to talk. it just hurts!

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No, it hurts too much. But once i saw someone do it.

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because it hurts there feelings