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Spider monkeys are vertebrates, mammals, and primates (like man). Their family is Atelidae and their genus Ateles.

The related genus is Brachyteles, the "woolly spider monkey" (also known as the Muriqui).

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Spider monkeys are vertebrates, mammals, and primates (like man). Their family is Atelidae and their genus Ateles.

The related genus is Brachyteles, the "woolly spider monkey" (also known as the Muriqui).

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All true spider monkeys are in the genus Ateles, which has 8 or 9 major species.

The related genus Brachyteles contains the "woolly spider monkeys."

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The Spider Monkey belongs to the genus, Ateles, the family, Atelidae, and the order, Primates.

The related genus is Brachyteles, the "woolly spider monkey" (also known as the Muriqui).

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There are 8 or 9 main species and several subspecies within the genus Ateles. There are separate species of the related genus Brachyteles (woolly spider monkeys).

The current defined species are:

Red-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscus

White-fronted spider monkey, Ateles belzebuth

Peruvian spider monkey, Ateles chamek

Brown spider monkey, Ateles hybridus

White-cheeked spider monkey, Ateles marginatus

Black-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps

Brown-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps fusciceps

Colombian spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps rufiventris

Geoffroy's spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi

- Yucatan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis

- Mexican spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus

- Nicaraguan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi geoffroyi

- Ornate spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi ornatus

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There are 7 to 9 species of spider monkeys in the world, genus Ateles. The related genus is Brachyteles, the "woolly spider monkey" (also known as the Muriqui). There are 3 subspecies of the black-headed spider monkey and 4 additional subspecies within the species Geoffroyi.

Red-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscus

White-fronted spider monkey, Ateles belzebuth

Peruvian spider monkey, Ateles chamek

Brown spider monkey, Ateles hybridus

White-cheeked spider monkey, Ateles marginatus

Black-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps

Brown-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps fusciceps

Colombian spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps rufiventris

Geoffroy's spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi

- Yucatan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis

- Mexican spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus

- Nicaraguan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi geoffroyi

- Ornate spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi ornatus

The most endangered spider monkeys are the black-headed spider monkey and the brown spider monkey.

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