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A role for the crewmate. Engineers can vent, but they have a cooldown.

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A role for the crewmate. Engineers can vent, but they have a cooldown.

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Perhaps the most stable job in the music industry, albeit the least glamorous, is that of the musical engineer. The musical engineer performs the same duty as a civil engineer would to a building the engineer makes the dream of the artist and the vision of the producer into an actual record that can be played online or on consumer mediums.

The music engineer must usually go to an engineering school for at least two years and serve an internship at the studio before he or she will be considered for major-label jobs, which is usually the best paying work in the music industry. Although none of these requirements are set in stone, the basic premise behind the schooling and the internship is the time spent in the studio. Unless you know someone who owns a studio, it is rather difficult to find one and be allowed to stay in it long enough to learn the discipline of being a music engineer.

The main tool of the music engineer is the audio editing program. The industry-standard is known as Pro Tools, although there are many other audio editing programs that are used, among them Cakewalk Sonar and GarageBand. As a music engineer, you will be expected to learn how to use anyone's studio, as you will often be traveling to the place where the artist or producer is. There is an industry standard of communication between musical instruments known as MIDI, which an audio engineer will be expected to know as well.

The duty of the audio engineer after recording an artist is to make the music sound as good as possible on consumer electronics. This is a process known as mixing, and then goes through to a process known as mastering. The mixing engineer and the mastering engineer are two completely separate disciplines, and usually one will not perform the other.

For some reason, mastering engineers are paid more than mixing engineers are. A good mastering engineer can earn up to $250 an hour, while the going rate for a mixing engineer with a reputation is around $50-$100 an hour.

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