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DNG is free open source format which is useful to convert raw files to DNG and keep all features because every camera manufacturer have its own different format.

DNG files you can open in Camera Raw Photoshop plugin which comes with Photoshop installation. Find photo in Bridge and double click it or use Ctrl + R. From Camera Raw you can open it from Open button at right bottom of Camera Raw window (Shift + click) to open as Smart Object.

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DNG is free open source format which is useful to convert raw files to DNG and keep all features because every camera manufacturer have its own different format.

DNG files you can open in Camera Raw Photoshop plugin which comes with Photoshop installation. Find photo in Bridge and double click it or use Ctrl + R. From Camera Raw you can open it from Open button at right bottom of Camera Raw window (Shift + click) to open as Smart Object.

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Open raw files in Adobe Camera Raw from Adobe Bridge or convert files to DNG (publicly available archival format) using free DNG converter. See related links section for download link for Mac and Windows.

The Adobe DNG Converter, a free utility that converts files from more than 300 cameras to DNG, enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files to a more universal DNG raw file.

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A Digital Negative Raw file, also called a DNG is an Adobe file extension that can be opened in Photoshop. While there might be other programs to open it, Photoshop is best.

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It stands for dangerous instrument. This could be anything from a letter opener to a coat hanger. It also depends upon the jurisdiction. Some places consider dangerous instrument and deadly weapon to be interchangeable.

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Advantage of DNG is that it is open source file format and guarantee that you will be able to use your files in feature regardless of changes on market. Every company which is producing digital cameras have its own raw format which is not publicly available. What if company fail in feature? Files converted to DNG are protected and you will be able to use them with Adobe products but also with any other image editing software because it is easy for producer to support DNG since it is open source.

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