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1. Vertebrata 2. Tetrapoda 3. Amniota 4. Reptilia 5. Diapsida 6. Archosauria

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1. Vertebrata 2. Tetrapoda 3. Amniota 4. Reptilia 5. Diapsida 6. Archosauria

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Crocodiles are cold blooded animals with scales. Mammals are warm blooded animals with hair that produce milk for their young. So crocodiles are not mammals; they are reptiles.

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Superregnum: Eukaryota

Regnum: Animalia

Subregnum: Eumetazoa

Superphylum: Deuterostomia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Infraphylum: Gnathostomata

Superclassis: Tetrapoda

Classis: Reptilia

Subclassis: Diapsida

Infraclassis: Lepidosauromorpha

Superordo: Lepidosauria

Ordo: Squamata

Subordo: Sauria

Infraordo: Iguania

Familia: Iguanidae

Genus: Iguana

Species: I. delicatissima - I. iguana

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i dont know the entire answer but heres is what i can say: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. the full answer you can type it on Google and wikipedia can take over this question!

-Meklit K. Moges

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The genus is Triceratops, and there were two species, Triceratops horridus and Triceratops prorsus. The genus Triceratops belongs to the tribe Triceratopsini, which belongs to the family Ceratopsidae. The family Ceratopsidae belongs to the suborder Ceratopsia. All horned, herbivorous dinosaurs belonged to Ceratopsia. Ceratopsia was a division of the clade Marginocephalia, which also includes the pachycephalosaurs. Marginocephalia belongs to the order Ornithischia, which includes all bird-hipped dinosaurs. Ornithischia belongs to the clade Dinosauria. In order from smallest group to largest group, Dinosauria belongs to Dinosauriformes, Dinosauromorpha, Ornithodira, Archosauria, Crurotarsi, Archosauriformes, Archosauromorpha, Sauria, Neodiapsida, Diapsida, Romeriida, Eureptilia, and finally Sauropsida. Sauropsida is a clade belonging to the class Reptilia, which belongs to the clade Amniota, then the clade Tetrapoda, Teleostomi, Eugnathostomata, and then Gnathostomata. Gnathostomata belongs to the subphylum Vertebrata, the phylum Chordata, and the kingdom Animalia.

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