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Fruit, particularly apples, are a wonderful part of a diet. Watch quantities of bananas, watermelon and other sugary fruits.

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Fruit, particularly apples, are a wonderful part of a diet. Watch quantities of bananas, watermelon and other sugary fruits.

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The answer is old, and trite, and still quite true. Exercise regularly. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Avoid fatty and sugary foods, especially sugary drinks.

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i have hypoglycemia and this is what i eat to keep me healthy, proteins and red meats and lots of veggies and fruits just not too sugary fruits. hope i helped. :P :)

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Guinea pigs enjoy a variety of fruits with each piggy having their own individual favorite. They enjoy apples, strawberries, bananas, mango, and papaya. Sugary fruits should be given sparingly and vegetables should be given more than fruits.

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A fruit cup belongs in the Fruits and Vegetables group, but if it is coated in a sugary syrup, it is not a healthy choice.

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