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Tribunes were elected by the plebeians to protect their interests.

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Tribunes were elected by the plebeians to protect their interests.

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The tribunes were elected by the plebeians to look after their interests.

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Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

Yes, there was a plebeian assembly and it was by this assembly that the tribunes were elected.

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The tribunes were upset and demanded more rights for the tribunes instead of the plebians

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