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Acetylation describes the process of an introduction of an acetyl functional group into chemical compounds. Chemicals that are commonly involved are succinic acid.

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Acetylation describes the process of an introduction of an acetyl functional group into chemical compounds. Chemicals that are commonly involved are succinic acid.

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Acetic acid is not used in acetylation reactions because it is a weak acid and does not provide enough acidity for the reaction to occur effectively. Stronger acids, such as acetic anhydride or acid chlorides, are commonly used in acetylation reactions to ensure efficient acetylation of the desired molecule.

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Histones are proteins that organize DNA in the chromatin of eukaryotes (cells that have membrane enclosed nuclei). Acetylation means the introduction of acetyl group to a molecule. In essence, Histone Acetylation removes the positive charge on the histones which, in turn, causes a decrease in the interaction with negatively charged phosphates in DNA.

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Acetylation is a chemical process where an acetyl group is added to a molecule. This modification can affect the function of proteins, DNA, and other cellular components, often altering their activity or stability. Acetylation is a common post-translational modification that plays a crucial role in regulating gene expression and cellular processes.

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Both euchromatin and histone acetylation.

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