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Yes - absolutely a debt can be passed from one debt collection agency to another.

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Yes - absolutely a debt can be passed from one debt collection agency to another.

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Yes, a collection agency can attempt to collect a debt that was settled by another agency if they believe the debt is valid. However, if the previous agency settled it as 'not valid,' you may dispute the debt with the new agency and provide them with documentation supporting the previous resolution.

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i heard that there is a debt reduction agency that offer free services.. check them out

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Once a debt is handed over to a collection agency, it's typically out of the original creditor's hands. However, it may be possible to negotiate with the creditor to recall the debt from the collection agency, but this process can be challenging and may require convincing the creditor of your ability to repay the debt directly. It's advisable to communicate directly with both the creditor and the collection agency to explore your options and find a resolution.

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A debt collector works for a collection agency. If the angency owns the debt then you can request statements. A collection agency will send you a paid or settled un full letter. They are not a billing agency.

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