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Aluminium iodide is the compound formed when aluminium reacts with iodine. The chemical formula for aluminium iodide is AlI3. It is a solid compound that is highly soluble in water and has a white color.

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Aluminium iodide is the compound formed when aluminium reacts with iodine. The chemical formula for aluminium iodide is AlI3. It is a solid compound that is highly soluble in water and has a white color.

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Aluminium oxide does not react with hot carbon because aluminium is more reactive than carbon. This means that aluminium will preferentially react with oxygen to form aluminium oxide rather than with carbon. Additionally, the strong aluminum-oxygen bond is difficult to break, preventing the carbon from replacing the oxygen.

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Most trusted Aluminium and Glass Company in Qatar, over two decades of experience in designing and supplying quality assured products. Offer high-quality Aluminium products and unique services…Read More

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Keeping aluminium utensils in water overnight can cause them to corrode, leading to the release of aluminium into the water, which can be harmful. It is recommended to wash and dry aluminium utensils immediately after use to prevent this corrosion and potential health risks.

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not diatomic, singular

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