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An annexationist is an advocate of annexation, the addition or incorporation of annexed territories.

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An annexationist is an advocate of annexation, the addition or incorporation of annexed territories.

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An annexionist is another name for an annexationist, an advocate of annexation, the incorporation of territories which have been annexed.

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In 1887 the Bayonet Constitution was forced by armed Caucasians. The new constitution made voting rights only for Hawaiians, Americans, and Europeans this denied the rights for Japanese and other groups. The Japanese commissioner worked to pressure the Kingdom to restore the rights of Japanese by amending the constitution. In 1893 the Hawaiian Monarchy was overthrown.

Continued presence of the Japanese Navy and Japan's opposition to the overthrow led to a concern that Japan might use military force to restore a queen, Liliʻuokalani, to her throne. Anti-Japanese sentiment developed amongst the annexationist government, press, and Americans over concerns that Japan might reverse their progress to annex Hawaii to the United States.

In the 1890s, worrying about the increasing Americanization of their US-born children, the Japanese set up the first Japanese schools in the United States.

In Hawaii, Japanese is a major language, spoken and studied by many of the state's residents across ethnicities. It is taught in private Japanese language schools as early as the second grade. As a courtesy to the large number of Japanese tourists (from Japan), Japanese subtexts are provided on place signs, public transportation, and civic facilities. The Hawaii media market has a few locally produced Japanese language newspapers and magazines,but these are dying out, due to lack of interest on the part of the local (Hawaii-born) Japanese population. Stores that cater to the tourist industry often have Japanese-speaking personnel.

To show their allegiance to the U.S., many Nisei and Sansei intentionally avoided learning Japanese. But as many of the later generations find their identities in both Japan and America, studying Japanese is becoming more popular than it once was. Once as high as 43%, the Japanese population now is around 17%.

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Queen Liliuokalani was over thrown by a group of people called the "the annextionist club". This whole problem was caused by the foreigners (white people) because they wrote a constitution which was the "Bayonet Constitution". Queen Liliuokalani didn't like that constitution and wrote another Constitution and the White men didn't like it. and so this club was formed. Before Queen Liliuokalani could make her decision the white men made their move and overthrew the queen either Ilegally or legally.......

A group of men who called themselves the Safety of Committee consisted of 13 men. They were 1) Henry Ernest Cooper, 2) F. W. McChesney, 3) W. C. Wilder, 4) Crister Bolte, 5) Andrew Brown, 6) William Owen Smith, 7) Henry Waterhouse, 8) Theodore F. Landsing, 9) Edward Suhr, 10) Lorrin A. Thurston, 11) John Emmeluth, 12) William Richard Castle, 13) John A. McCandless.

I believe Thurston was a Representative, not sure about the other men if they were at the time of the overthrow. These men were part of what was known as the Honolulu Rifle Club, and were known for their annexationist views.

These men were waiting for a reason to get the Queen. They wanted full control of the kingdom and that began with 1887 Constutition known as the Bayonet Constitution. They forced the king to sign a new constitution however Article 45 that was in the 1852 Constitution was removed. That provision provided that the King and the Kuhina Nui could sign off on each other in order to conduct business, but the 1864 Constitution changed that to where anything the King does has to be approved by the Legislature. The whole checks and balances. But the fact is, the Legislature was dismissed April of 1886 and wasn't scheduled to reconvene until 1888. So how is it that the 1887 Constitution was able to be promulgated when whatever the King does has to be approved by the Legislature who was out of session?

What Liliuokalani tried to do was put back the 1864 Constitution and they (these 13 men) decided that what she was doing was treason for she took an oath to uphold the constitution. Odd that they forced her brother to do that same exact thing.

The main reason, to control the economy. This is what happened with the 1887 Constitution where it disenfranchised all the Asians and Kanaka (aboriginal Hawaiians).

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