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Anotia and Microtia

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Anotia and Microtia

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The medical term for absence of the external ear is "anotia." This condition involves complete absence of the external ear.

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Well, A tooth problem can radiate pain to the ear on the same side.

and more here . .

-changes in altitude and air pressure.

-from acne, can cause problems in the ear canal

-a buildup of wax in the ear canal

-infection in other body parts such as sinus or throat infection

-Some of the general symptoms of inner ear problems are dizziness, vomiting, nausea, ringing in the ear and hearing loss

-listneing to an electonic device (mp3, or iPod) very loud

Please make sure you always have clean ears and take care! :D

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Pinna abnormalities and low-set ears refer to abnormalities in the shape or position of the outer ear (pinna or auricle).

Alternative Names

Low-set ears; Microtia; "Lop" ear


During fetal development, the outer ear or "pinna" forms at a time when many other critical organs are developing (such as the kidneys). Abnormalities in the shape or position of the pinna may be a sign that the baby also has other related problems.

Common abnormalities include cysts in the pinna or skin tags.

Many children are born with ears that stick out (prominent or protruding ears). Although people may comment on the ear shape, this condition is a variation of normal and is not associated with other disorders.

However, the following problems may be related to medical conditions:

  • Abnormal folds or location of the pinna
  • Low-set ears
  • No opening to the ear canal
  • No pinna
  • No pinna and ear canal (anotia)
Common Causes

The following common conditions can cause low-set and unusually formed ears:

Rare conditions that can cause low-set and malformed ears include:

Call your health care provider if

In most cases, a health care provider finds pinna abnormalities during the first well-baby exam. This exam is usually performed at the hospital, if that is where the baby is delivered.

What to expect at your health care provider's office

The doctor will:

  • Examine and test the child for other physical abnormalities of the kidneys, bones of the face, skull, and facial nerve
  • Ask if you have a family history of abnormal-shaped ears

To determine whether the pinna is abnormal, the doctor will take a series of measurements with a tape measure. Other parts of the body will also be measured, including the eyes, hands, and feet.

All newborns should have a hearing test. A child with pinna abnormalities should also have a hearing test. Examinations for any changes in mental development may be performed as the child grows. Genetic testing may also be done.


Generally, no treatment is needed for pinna abnormalities because they do not affect hearing. However, sometimes cosmetic surgery is recommended.

  • Skin tags may be tied off, unless there is cartilage in them. In that case, surgery is needed to remove them.
  • Ears that are prominent or that stick out may be treated for cosmetic reasons. During the newborn period, a small framework may be attached using tape or Steri-Strips. The child wears this framework for several months. Surgery to correct the ears cannot be done until the child is 5 years old.

More severe abnormalities may require surgery for appearance or cosmetic reasons, as well as for function. They usually are done in several stages to create and attach a new ear.


Haddad, J Jr. Congenital malformations. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 637.

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It is tough to say which are the two main ones.. There are random birth defects as well as those that are caused by something the mother and even father did before birth. In other words, something that happened during the pregnancy. Remember that the first few weeks are extremely important, and often that is the time where the woman does not even know if she is pregnant yet. A heart is beating by the time she finds out!

Obviously, alcohol and smoking anything can have adverse affects such as fetal alcohol syndrome. Any use of other drugs legal and illegal can obviously have a big impact. But our society and media, bought by the large pharmaceutical companies, keeps most women in the dark about how steroids (aka "birth control") also cause countless birth defects in the first few weeks of pregnancy - especially to male babies in utero..

: : This is the reason that prostate cancer rates have skyrocketed since the pill arrived in 1960. A deformed prostate is not visible at birth, but can still cause prostate cancer in men decades later. these are the fact the the big pharmaceutical companies are desperate to keep women from knowing. They also don't want you to know about the decimated and deformed male fish populations downstream of water treatment plants due to even microscopic amounts of female steroids. : So, steroids like the pill, patches, IUD, and ring can give you breast cancer and your male child prostate cancer - even if you get off them as soon as you know you're pregnant. The sad fact is, it is often too late. The damage has already been done. :

A huge second source of birth defects are all the premature births needlessly caused because of a woman's previous abortion:

And, naturally, children born to early due his or her mother's compromised cervix and/or damaged uterus suffer from any number of birth defects as a result - the most common apparently being cerebral palsy.

These are the facts that big pharma and planned parenthood are doing their level best to keep everyone in the dark about, since these facts would not be good for their profits.

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