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reservation mean booking

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reservation mean booking

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in the meaning both are same booking and reservation

but mostly reservation used for the train related . where you reserve the seat in advance

booking terms used for the ticket booking or any service booking or taxi booking

suppose like below statement

1. Archirayan infotech provide you best taxi booking app

we can use taxi reservation app instead of taxi booking

2. Archirayan infotech is market lead in Flight booking website development

3. Archirayan infotech has team which make train reservation online service app and website


Hope it clear

www . archirayan . com

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Synonyms for reservation include booking, caveat, qualification, mental reservation, and reserve.

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A tentative reservation is an advance booking for a hotel room, flight or future event. It means the booking is not firm and need to be confirmed before a certain date. Often a deposit will need to be paid.

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CRS (Computer Reservation System) only use for booking tickets.

You can reserve your ticket by CRS

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