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continue past a building. eg

Go down the road turn left, continue past the red building and the toilets are on the right.

1 answer

Since the number series are not provided it is hard to know how to continue it. A person would need to see the following series to know the answer.

1 answer

your like my own personal brand of heroin

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

bgdlfq... Hvjalf

2 answers

The future tense of "continue" is "will continue." For example, "I will continue to work on this project."

3 answers

It's important to continue following safety guidelines, such as wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and washing hands frequently, to help prevent the spread of illness. Regularly monitoring your health and seeking medical advice if you develop symptoms is also crucial. Stay informed about updates from health authorities and be mindful of the well-being of yourself and others.

1 answer

I/you/we/they continue. He/she/it continues.

2 answers

The war will continue to stand for money and power. AND POKEMON WILL CONTINUE FOREVER

1 answer

Every other number is 1 3 5 7 9 11. The second set of numbers are 10 9 8 7 6. So to continue the series it would be 5 13 4 15 3 17 2 19 1 21.

1 answer

Continue is a verb.

1 answer

The past participle of continue is continued.

2 answers

"To continue the war would be foolish." "To continue, we now examine the patient's skull."

1 answer

When you get to the continue question click on continue and then when it says you fail loser, in the top left corner it will say continue. click on that and congatulations you are an imbecile

1 answer

A prefix for the verb continue is dis- which forms the antonym discontinue (to cease, to stop, to not continue).

6 answers

The sentence you provided isn't correct.

Try this-

It isn't possible for him to continue his studies. OR

It's impossible for him to continue his studies. OR

He is not able to continue his studies.

2 answers

continuare is the infinitive of continue in Italian.

1 answer

So, relationship will not continue.

1 answer

Continue to Kill was created in 2008.

1 answer

birds will continue to fly

1 answer

The verb for continuity is continue.

As in "to continue with something".

1 answer

continue your work . a racer must continue .

1 answer

Will Kodomo will continue in the year 2014. He will try continue despite that he night lose his job.

1 answer

No, "continue" is not a preposition. It is a verb that means to persist in doing something without interruption.

2 answers

There isn't a difference in the statements continue using and continue to use. Both mean to keep going and not stop using a specific item.

1 answer

Both "continue working" and "continue to work" are correct and can be used interchangeably. "Continue working" is more informal and common in spoken English, while "continue to work" is slightly more formal and often seen in written English. Both effectively convey the same meaning.

1 answer

I use continue and perform in this sentence by using them as a quotation, in the same way they were used in the question, which is also a sentence. I could have written, "continue" and "perform" just as well. As I continue to perform this exercise of answering the question, I wonder if I will. I continue to wonder if it will perform any purpose. Also, if the word "continue" appears at the bottom of a form only, then there should be one "continue" per form.

1 answer

Go to a search engine and type in "Continue, Thesaraus." Or "Synonyms for the word continue."

1 answer

people will continue to get drunk.

1 answer

Yes, it is able to continue.

1 answer

Solar energy will continue as long as there is sun.

1 answer

It will continue on 27th August, 2011.

1 answer

The verb form is continue.

2 answers

C/W is used for "Continue with", which I think is the closest thing to just "Continue" like: Continue with current therapy, or the like.

If you are looking for "Continued" then the standard "cont." is what you want.

1 answer

The continue statement means to branch to the end of the smallest enclosing loop and continue with the next iteration, if there is one.

1 answer

Some words with the same beginning sound as 'continue' are: continent, content, contend, continue, and contiguous.

1 answer

Each number is the sum of the two numbers before it - 34 55 89, etc.
Name after Leonardo Fibonacci aka Leonardo of Pisa aka simply Fibonacci.

1 answer

Spotting will continue for 2 to 8 weeks.

1 answer

should I continue on the HCG diet if i get my period?

1 answer

There are no plans to continue the Justice League Unlimited.

2 answers

You have to collect 10 Sonic emblems to get a continue.

1 answer


If you are talking about campaign you just hit "Continue".

1 answer