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Coprophagia refers to the practice of eating faeces. Many animals do this and so do the majority of insects and some carniverous plants. These species are known as coprophagous.

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Coprophagia refers to the practice of eating faeces. Many animals do this and so do the majority of insects and some carniverous plants. These species are known as coprophagous.

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Treatments for coprophagia in humans may involve addressing any underlying medical conditions contributing to the behavior, such as nutrient deficiencies or gastrointestinal issues. Behavioral therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or habit reversal training, may also be beneficial in modifying the behavior. Additionally, incorporating positive reinforcement techniques, maintaining good hygiene practices, and providing alternative activities can help address coprophagia in humans.

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CoprophagiaCoprophagia is defined as the eating of feces.

While Coprophagia is often seen in dogs (1 in 10 eat feces at some point in their lives) and other animals, it also occurs in a very small number of people. There's not much information available about human Coprophagia; however, it has been observed in patients with dementia, severe mental handicaps, schizophrenia or depression.

Coprophagia involves the risk of contracting parasites, as well as serious diseases hepatitis: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, pneumonia, and influenza. Harmful bacteria, including E Coli, in fecal matter also make eating it a potentially harmful practice.

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Scrub that muck off at once, Hubert Cumberdale, I'll have no dirty immigrants in my house.

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