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A Pleura is the lung cover.

1 answer

Bronchogenic carcinoma

2 answers

Another name for pleura is lung cover.

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The pleurae cover each lung and line the inner surface of the thoracic cavity. The pleura that encloses the lung is called the visceral pleura. The pleura that lines the thoracic cavity is the parietal pleura.

2 answers

The front cover of "The Black Lung Captain" by Chris Wooding features Frey, the protagonist of the book, who is a reluctant captain and leader of a disreputable crew aboard a unique airship.

2 answers


that depends on the size of the lung, as it is a little different in each person

1 answer

Lung compliance = Lung expandability

1 answer

The right lung has three lobes.

3 answers

The left lung is smaller than the right.

1 answer

its when cut into a lung

1 answer

What is atheltes lung

1 answer

lung concerns

1 answer

No trachea is not the lung.

1 answer

perhaps this question should read "What is a collapsed lung?"

2 answers

Do you mean lung ABCESS? If so, it is a localized infection (pocket) in the lung.

1 answer

a floating lung is something that is named lung and floats inside YOUR body

1 answer

Dot Lung's birth name is Dorothy Lung.

1 answer

An unhealthy lung, is a lung that is perfect. It has no problems, and if you have an unhealthy lung, then you will live for about 90 minutes. If you have a healthy lung then you will live until 50 years.

Thanks for reading

Daniel Murison

1 answer

Base of the lung

1 answer

no the lung is involuntary

1 answer

it has lung cancer

1 answer

"It hasn't been a lung time since I met you."

1 answer

Clarence Lung's birth name is Clarence E. Lung.

1 answer

Lung Lei's birth name is Ji Yun-lung.

1 answer

First it's larger, second the left lung is sharing space with your heart..

1 answer

Clear lung apices means that there is not defect found in the lung. Apices is the plural of apex which is the top part of the lung.

1 answer

perfusion lung scan, aerosol lung scan, radionucleotide ventilation lung scan, ventilation lung scan, xenon lung scan, ventilation/perfusion scanning (VPS), pulmonary scintiphotography, or, most commonly, V/Q scan

1 answer

The right lung is larger than left lung

The left lung is made up of 2 lobes while right is made up of 3 lobes.

2 answers

the size of a footbal. if you were to unfold all of the air sacs inside of it (300) it could cover a football field.

2 answers

The uppermost point, hence apex...of the lung

2 answers

It is a partial lung collapse, due to an air pocket on the outside of the lung, which pushes against the lung.

1 answer

What does mild apical lung scarring mean from the imaged lung apices?

1 answer

If you prick the balloon in a lung model, it simulates a condition like a punctured lung or a collapsed lung. This can lead to air escaping from the lung space, causing a loss of pressure and potentially compromising the lung's ability to expand and contract properly.

1 answer

Lung cancer is the deadliest of lung diseases, characterized by abnormal growth of cells in the lungs that hinders normal lung function. It can spread rapidly to other parts of the body if not detected and treated early.

2 answers

The healthy human lung is sterile

1 answer

Lung cancer is not a month.

1 answer

well the right lung has 3 lobes and the left lung has only 2. its to give room for your heart.

1 answer

smoking, genetic lung problems, msg, lung cancer, lung surgery gone wrong, and if you got affected by radioactive waste then you might be

1 answer

The right lung has 3 lungs. The left lung has two to make room for the <3 heart

2 answers

The top pointed tip of the lung is the apex, while the pointed tip on the bottom of the left lung is called the lingula.

2 answers

A natural human pair of lungs have the small right lung and the larger left lung to allow room for the heart.

So to answer your question your left lung will hold more.

1 answer

After the mainstem bronchus, two secondary bronchi supply the left lung (and three supply the right lung).

3 answers