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De humani corporis fabrica was created in 1543.

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De humani corporis fabrica was created in 1543.

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Andreas Vesalius' book "De Humani Corporis Fabrica" was published in 1543.

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Andreas Vesalius was the anatomist who revolutionized anatomy by writing "De humani corporis fabrica" in 1543. His work challenged the teachings of Galen and emphasized the importance of direct observation and dissection. This publication is considered a cornerstone in the history of human anatomy.

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The phrase 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica Librorum Epitome' means A summary of the books on the factory of the human body. In the word-by-word translation, the preposition 'de' means 'about, after, away from, down from, during, on account of, taken from'. The adjective 'humani' means 'human'. The noun 'corporis' means 'body'. The noun 'fabrica' means 'art of a smith, workshop of a smith'. The noun 'librorum' means 'of books'. The noun 'epitome' means 'abridgement, epitome, ideal example, summary'.

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People such as Galileo, Andreas Vasalius (De humani corporis fabrica), Nicolas Copernicus (De revolutionibus orbium coelestium).

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