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The movie 'Death Wish 3', directed by Michael winner, was released on November 1, 1985. This movie starring Charles Bronson was preceded by 'Death Wish 2' and 'Death Wish' and is about a vigilant killer.

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The movie 'Death Wish 3', directed by Michael winner, was released on November 1, 1985. This movie starring Charles Bronson was preceded by 'Death Wish 2' and 'Death Wish' and is about a vigilant killer.

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'Way Out - 1961 Death Wish 1-9 was released on:

USA: 9 June 1961

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Denzel Washington makes his screen debut as an uncredited alley mugger in the first Death Wish film.

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Charles Bronson and Hope Lange .

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Wish You Were Here - 1990 Barcelona 1-3 was released on:

USA: 3 August 1990

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