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Best answer

They aren't used for the same purposes. The fact that there are powerful desktop processors (which, by the way, 100 MHz Pentiums and the DEC Alpha are not) is irrelevant to why someone would want a handheld gaming device.

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They aren't used for the same purposes. The fact that there are powerful desktop processors (which, by the way, 100 MHz Pentiums and the DEC Alpha are not) is irrelevant to why someone would want a handheld gaming device.

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Dec 1 - 2.0

Dec 2 - .5

Dec 3 - 2.6

Dec 4 - 1.0

Dec 6 - 2.7

Dec 8 - .2

Dec 9 - 4.4

Dec 10 - 3.0

Dec 15 - .5

Dec 16 - 2.4

Dec 17 - 3.0

Dec 19 - 11.4

Dec 21 - 2.2

Dec 23 - 3

Dec 24 - 1.4

Dec 28 - .3

Dec 30 - .5

Dec 31 - 1.5

From the National Weather Service

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ant.... or is it dec?

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Function dec2rom(dec As Integer) As String

dec2rom = ""

While dec >= 1000

dec2rom += "M"

dec -= 1000

End While

If dec >= 900 Then

dec2rom += "CM"

dec -= 900

End If

If dec >= 500 Then

dec2rom += "D"

dec -= 500

End If

If dec >= 400 Then

dec2rom += "CD"

dec -= 400

End If

While dec >= 100

dec2rom += "C"

dec -= 100

End While

If dec >= 90 Then

dec2rom += "XC"

dec -= 90

End If

If dec >= 50 Then

dec2rom += "L"

dec -= 50

End If

If dec >= 40 Then

dec2rom += "XL"

dec -= 40

End If

While dec >= 10

dec2rom += "X"

dec -= 10

End While

If dec >= 9 Then

dec2rom += "IX"

dec -= 9

End If

If dec >= 5 Then

dec2rom += "V"

dec -= 5

End If

If dec >= 4 Then

dec2rom += "IV"

dec -= 4

End If

While dec

dec2rom += "I"

dec -= 1

End While

End Function

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The nine states established in December are Delaware (Dec. 7), Pennsylvania (Dec. 12), New Jersey (Dec. 18), Indiana (Dec. 11), Mississippi (Dec. 10), Illinois (Dec. 3), Alabama (Dec. 14), Texas (Dec. 29), and Iowa (Dec. 28).

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