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Single Flemish bond consists of alternating headers and stretchers in each course, creating a more varied texture. Double Flemish bond has two headers followed by one stretcher in each course, resulting in a smoother, more regular appearance.

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Single Flemish bond consists of alternating headers and stretchers in each course, creating a more varied texture. Double Flemish bond has two headers followed by one stretcher in each course, resulting in a smoother, more regular appearance.

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Flemish garden wall bond is a bond pattern used for garden walls, consisting of alternating stretchers and headers in each course. Flemish bond is a more decorative bond, with alternating headers and stretchers in each course, creating a consistent pattern on both sides of the wall. Flemish bond is typically used for more formal or decorative brickwork.

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In case of the English bond bricks were laid in alternate layers of headers and stretchers. while flemish bond has alternate headers and stretchers within a layer, giving good looks to the surface. English bond has high strength value while flemish bond has looks.

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Flemish bond wall construction is not as strong as the English bond brick wall.

In a Flemish Bond wall, alternate header and stretcher are laid in every course of the bricks, header bricks being centrally placed between the stretcher bricks in a course and between the stretchers of the top and bottom courses.

See the pic in related link for the intersection in Flemish Bond wall construction.

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English bond is considered stronger than Flemish bond because of its alternating pattern of header and stretcher bricks. This arrangement provides more strength and stability to the structure compared to the repeating pattern of headers and stretchers in Flemish bond. English bond also distributes loads more effectively, resulting in a more robust construction.

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