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Forceps delivery is not considered a routine method of delivery, but rather an assisted delivery technique used when necessary. It involves using forceps to aid in the baby's delivery by guiding their head through the birth canal. It is a medical intervention that is typically only used when there are concerns about the baby's well-being or the mother's ability to push effectively.

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Forceps delivery is not considered a routine method of delivery, but rather an assisted delivery technique used when necessary. It involves using forceps to aid in the baby's delivery by guiding their head through the birth canal. It is a medical intervention that is typically only used when there are concerns about the baby's well-being or the mother's ability to push effectively.

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Forceps are a tool/instrument that have "pincers", similar to tongs that can extract, manipulate, twist and pull an object out of the body. Forceps are most used in the labor and delivery setting- to extract the newborn out of the woman's body when it is medically indicated.

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In a face presentation, the fetal head and neck are hyperextended, causing the .... Operative deliverywith forceps must be approached with caution. ...some feel the use of oxytocin in the brow presentation is contraindicated.

This may convert to face or vertex presentationand may be managed expectantly. ... This type of delivery is contraindicated in cases of multiple prior cesarean .... The combination of vacuum followed by forceps delivery carries

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Forceps is a medical instrument that looks kind of like tongs with flat ends. During labor and delivery, forceps may be needed to turn the baby or to help quickly assist to deliver a newborn. The forceps is opened (like tongs) and each flat side is placed on each side of the baby's head, then the doctor guides the baby out the vagina.

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