Some of the friendly Indians on the Missouri river were the Caddos.
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Friendly and cooperative countries during wartime were ALLIES.
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Friendly peer pressure is pressure to do something that comes from a friend. It could be a friend wanting you to take a drink, smoke a cigarette, or stay out late.
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Friendly people in the world are ones that can easily make connections and establish ties with other people. These are the people that amass huge networks, which leads to them becoming very successful. Examples would be top politicians and businessmen.
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I've never heard of a "friendly number strategy" per se; but there are specific rules for "divisibility" that you can use to help break up large numbers. For example, if the number is even, it is divisible by 2; if the sum of the numbers
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if your dog was friendly and now bites fingers it is probably because it is growing in a new tooth/teeth and it feels good for them to bite on fingers.
how to make them stop:
when it bites your finger yank it out and give it a chew toy
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I would say within at least a month give a take a few just to be respectful.
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For example : The dog is friendly
Friendly is the adjective
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jute is Eco friendly, friendly, friendly jute is Eco friendly my dear Friends
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The adverb form is friendly, in a amicable manner. For example: He seemed friendly.
The word friendly is also an adjective: He has a friendly smile.
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I think some of them are friendly and some of them are not so friendly.but most of them are friendly.
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The dog is very friendly towards children.
I am usually a friendly person, unless you're arrogant and closed minded.
The friendly fire was avoidable.
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The adverb form is friendly, in a amicable manner. For example: He seemed friendly.
The word friendly is also an adjective: He has a friendly smile.
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it is not environmentally friendly thirs nothing friendly about tesco thy lie
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Friendlier or more friendly are the comparatives, and friendliest or most friendly are the superlatives.
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He has a friendly manner.
Her friendly manner has gained her many friends.
He would be more well liked if he had a friendly manner.
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Milieuvriendelijk is a Dutch equivalent of 'Earth friendly', in the sense of being environmentally friendly.
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