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There are 27 air ambulance services in the United Kingdom. All operated by commercial companies and funded by charitable organisations that cover England and Wales.

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There are 27 air ambulance services in the United Kingdom. All operated by commercial companies and funded by charitable organisations that cover England and Wales.

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  1. ABC - funded by university grant.
  2. Harvard Mark I - funded by IBM and US Navy.
  3. ENIAC - funded by US Army.
  4. SSEC - funded by IBM.
  5. EDSAC - funded by university grant & Lyons.
  6. LEO - funded by Lyons (a british cookie and tea company).
  7. EDVAC - funded by US Army.
  8. IAS - funded by university grant.
  9. UNIVAC I - funded by Remington Rand.
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AnswerGenerally yes but self-funded policies might not.
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sport funded mean that you are funded for a sport

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Charles Lindbergh's historic transatlantic flight in 1927 was funded by a group of St. Louis businessmen who formed the "Spirit of St. Louis Corporation" to sponsor the flight. Lindbergh himself also contributed a portion of his own funds to cover some of the expenses.

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