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Gary Douglas Frost has written:

'Oral immunization for possible control of furunculosis in fish' -- subject(s): Furunculosis, Coho salmon

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Gary Douglas Frost has written:

'Oral immunization for possible control of furunculosis in fish' -- subject(s): Furunculosis, Coho salmon

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Bacitracin interferes with bacterial cell wall synthesis and is primarily active against the Gram-positive bacteria S aureusand streptococci.[9] Most Gram-negative organisms and yeasts are resistant. Topical bacitracin is effective for the treatment of superficial bacterial infections of the skin, such as impetigo, furunculosis, and pyodermas. Bacitracin is a component of many commercial products, both singly and as part of TAO.

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I'm not sure if that's what the fish has, but you shouldn't have eight goldfish in a ten gallon tank. Goldfish can live for a very long time and grow to enormous sizes, but you have to take proper care of them. It should be 30 gallons for the first fish and ten gallons for each additional, so 100 gallons in your case. Also, goldfish like to be in schools of three, so adding one more would be ideal.

Are the scales just protruding or are there definite bumps? Either way, you'll need to set up a hospital tank for the fish. Research the symptoms and medications and bring pictures of the fish to a pet store or aquarium where someone could properly diagnose it. Best of luck to you and your fish!

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Some diseases and disorder that affect the integumentary system include acne, albinism, alopecia, blisters, burns, calluses, cancer, cellulitis, chickenpox, corns, cutaneous anthrax, dermatitis, eczema, epidermolysis bullosa, folliculitis, furunculosis, granuloma annulare, herpes, hirsutism, impetigo, intertrigo, keratosis pilaris, lupus, melasma, onychomycosis, orf, paronychia, pityriasis, pressure ulcers, psoriasis, rosacea, scleroderma, seborrhea, tinea, urticaria, vitiligo, warts. psoriasis, acne vulgaris, tinea pedis Eczema



Acne vulgaris


Secondary syphilis



Herpes simplex

Herpes Zoster

Lichen planus




Basal cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma

Kaposi's sarcoma

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* First named staphylococcus by Sir Alexander Ogston in 1881 in recognition of the grape-like clusters of bacteria he observed in pus from human abscesses. * Rosenbach described the 2 pigmented colony types of staphylococcus in 1884, naming then S. aureus and S. albus (now known as S. epidermidis). He also showed that S. aureus was responsible for wound infections and furunculosis. * The streptococcus was first described by Billroth (the famous surgeon who introduced the concept of audit) in 1874, Frederick Fehleisen isolated the bacteria in 1883, and was named Streptococcus pyogenes by Rosenbach in 1884. * William Tilbury Fox (1836-1879) wrote a classical description of impetigo contagiosa which appeared in Wilson's Journal. William Wilson (1809-1884) was a self-taught dermatologist, who famously transported Cleopatra's needle at his own expense from Alexandria to the Thames embankment.

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