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"Healthy" is an adjective.

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healthy weight would be 117 lbs and the rage is 95 to 119 lbs

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The Healthy people 2010 program was designed to increase the quality and years of healthy life and help get rid of health issues. The initiative was created in 2000 and was a challenge to communities and individuals to create goals to help them create healthy and longevity.

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My doctor says that I am a healthy weight which is at 92 pounds (i am eleven and i am 4'8 too!) Anyways the healthy weight is i would say is 90-92 pounds

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in good health

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Cooking and lifestyle

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Most vegetables are pretty healthy.

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A healthy body weight varies per person. A formula that many medical and nutritional professionals follow is the body mass index (BMI). The BMI calculates if a person is a healthy weight by dividing weight by height.

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Tea Leaf

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between 15 and 40

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Just because your kids are young doesn't mean that they shouldn't start learning more about being healthy now. Although you might think that healthy foods are mostly for adults, you should know that there are plenty of healthy recipes for kids that your little ones are sure to love.

For instance, many kids love sweet potato fries, which are far healthier than regular french fries. You can also try making other recipes for kids with your little ones, such as oven-fried chicken tenders, ants on a log and more. By establishing good habits and following healthy recipes for kids, you can help ensure that your little ones are healthy as they get older.

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Water milk fruit smothies anything natrual, id drink water all the time with ever meal its the healthist thing to drink

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It varies depending on the age.

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· turnip

· tomato

· tangerine

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A weight of 110 lbs to 140 lbs is in the normal range for a female who is 5'3" based on a healthy normal BMI.

person who asked:: im 97 pounds, is that bad?

For a 13 year old girl, that is healthy. The average weight is 99 pounds.

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A healthy lifestyle is important to keep the body functioning as it should. Exercise is necessary to strengthen muscles and maintain healthy weight. And good eating is another necessity if the body is to stay healthy. The food you eat is the fuel that allows your body to work at optimum levels. Healthy foods are essential for a healthy body.

Putting processed foods into your system will not help your body to maintain good health. But the proper kinds of food in the proper amounts will keep your body disease-free and at a healthy weight. Plus, you will have strong bones, an abundance of energy, shiny hair, good teeth and radiant skin.

Health-inducing foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and beans. A healthy quantity of these foods in your diet will greatly improve how you feel and how well your body functions. These foods are nutrient-rich, and nutrients are vital for good health. You want to get vitamins, minerals and antioxidants into your system also, and eating healthy and appetizing foods will help you along the way to optimum health and vitality.

Incorporate as many of the healthy types of food into your daily diet as you can. If you find it hard to eat the good food that your body requires, you can juice some of your food and drink it. That is a quick and easy way to obtain the benefits of these good food items. Try to eat more salads with lettuce and tomato, substitute fish for meat when you can, and when you do eat meat, make it as lean as possible. Chicken with leafy green vegetables would make a nutritious meal for the entire family, and you can top it off with a healthy fruit compote.

Healthy, nutritious food can be gradually introduced into your diet until you are eating more of the good foods and less of the empty calorie, fatty foods that are not good for you. And once you and your family get used to eating healthy, you will not miss the processed foods that once were a staple of your diet. You will feel better and love it.

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Anywhere between 130 and 180.

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They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is important to start your day off right if you want to stick to your diet and stay healthy. Although it might be easy to spring for a drive-through sandwich from your favorite fast food restaurant, there are actually plenty of healthy breakfast menu options that you can try.

For instance, making an omelet from egg whites and tons of veggies is a good way to fill up, get plenty of nutrients and to enjoy your breakfast. You can also try eating whole wheat toast, yogurt or healthy cereal with lots of your favorite fruits for a healthy start to your day.

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If your asking if ants are a healthy snack: Yes they are. They have a lot of protein. actually ants on a log is a snack with peanut butter and raisens on celery. Is not actually ants on a log.

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· melon

· milk

· mango

· mandarin orange

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The claims that any given food is healthy are everywhere: high fiber, no trans-fats, no cholesterol, organic, natural etc. It is difficult to make sense of all the claims that are made for food. Most people want to eat healthy foods, but knowing what makes a healthy food healthy can be confusing. For some, only raw, organic food is deemed healthy. Others, without access to organic foods and who enjoy cooked foods, struggle to select the best food from the grocery store shelves amidst all of the claims. As is often the case, the truth lies somewhere in between.

No one would argue that carrots or tomatoes fresh from an organic garden are healthy foods. Just as no one would argue that a steady diet of any brand of processed macaroni and cheese is probably unhealthy. Yet, both of these food options provide the essential elements of any healthy diet. These elements are nothing but the three familiar classifications of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Consideration of the balance of these three elements, along with a few more such as sodium, cholesterol and fiber, is what goes into recognizing a healthy food. Furthermore, no one food is healthy unto itself. It must be seen as a component of a larger diet in which foods complement each other to provide for a balanced and healthy diet.

Carbohydrates are the fuel for energy, proteins are necessary for muscle-building, and fats, well, fats in small amounts are necessary, but they also make food taste great. Fiber is associated with carbohydrates, cholesterol is associated with animal fats, and sodium is simply a mineral that makes for better flavor. Learning to balance these elements across a whole dietary plan is the essence of healthy foods. Consumers should lean toward non-sugary carbohydrates high in fiber such as vegetables - organic or not - and modest amounts of proteins from fish, chicken, and beef. They should keep both cholesterol and sodium low and lean toward good cholesterol, such as that found in olive oil.

Learning that healthy foods are packages of essential elements is fundamental to recognizing healthy foods - rely on the contents, not the packaging.

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to help people understand illness and disease for prevention.

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what is the normal weight for a 17 month old

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Calories are the most important factor that determines both weight gain and weight loss, and a healthy weight loss plan creates a safe calorie deficit to promote weight loss. The game of weight loss is all about calorie intake and calories burnt. In case of weight balance, all calories are same, but when it comes to overall health, all calories are not the same. The three main sources of calories are fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Sources of unhealthy saturated fats are butter, cheese and fatty cuts of meats; whereas sources of healthy unsaturated fats are nuts, vegetable oils, olives and seafood. Just like healthy and unhealthy fats, there are healthy and unhealthy carbs as well.

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A apple a day keeps a doctor away

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Good diet to help you lose weight in short time

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Try cutting Out sodas and drink water and tea more, make home cooked meals instead of eating out, and add more veggies to your diet. Walking helps and weight lifting. tTheAmin part is keeping processed foods to a minimum and to cut out saturated fats. You can replace those with avocado and nuts For a healthy fat. Sugar should also be kept low

5 answers

i would say about 270 or 170 pounds

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legumes (peanuts beans)


lima beans

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Healthy self-esteem can be summarized as not thinking either too much of yourself or too little. You deserve the same respect that you freely give to others, but by the same token, you don't want to become self-consumed and always put your own needs first. The key is to have a healthy balance, along with setting boundaries for people who may not always treat you right. Let them know which behaviors you will and will not tolerate.

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communication, where both parties actively listen, express their needs and feelings honestly, and work together to find solutions. Trust, respect, and mutual support are essential components for fostering a healthy and strong relationship.

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Healthy snacks for kids!Most kids love sweets; and snacks.

Carrots? Raisins? Crackers?

These snacks will inprove your kids health, and you dont have to tell them "no" again, when they ask for a treat!

Also check out the site linked below where a snacking cookbook is offered for sale.

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If you mix in lots of fresh fruits and vegetables with your meals, you will have the beginnings of cardiovascular rejuvenation. Healthy meal plans aren't difficult to make. Just decrease the amounts of bad cholesterol, unhealthy fats and oil and you can improve your health. You are what you eat, so by improving the quality of the foods you eat will improve you, too. Fruits and vegetables, for instance, like bananas and tomatoes have lots of synergistic molecules that improve your heart and you if you eat healthy meals often.

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Approximately 38.56 pounds is about right. Go puke your guts out.

Bye y'all.

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Healthy breakfast and lunch ideas when doing a 30 day detox challenge might include fruit smoothies like banana/blueberry or spinach/blueberry. More ideas can be found online at places like FitSugar.

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Healthy sperm production should have a scrotal temperature that is slightly lower than the body's core temperature, around 2-4 degrees Celsius lower. Maintaining this lower temperature is important for optimal sperm production and quality.

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Raise health awareness and stop everyone getting obese like you probably are wonga chunks.

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Healthy recipes lead to a healthy lifestyle. Recipes can be found online at most health sites. Search for recipes that include foods found naturally. Try not to depend on recipes requiring lots of sugary foods and foods that are high in fat. The more vegetables and fruits you can include in a recipe, the healthier it will be. If you have children, you can find recipes that will include vegetables but disguise them by using cheese or other foods.

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20 kilos in 3 months is too much to lose on a "healthy diet", those usually only allow for around 1 kg/week. You've probably spent years putting that on, so don't expect to shed it overnight. To get the weight off and to get it to stay off you need a lifestyle change, and to get that change to set you need time too.

Weight Watchers are successful, provide a healthy diet that at the same time allows you to eat very regular food.

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form_title=Healthy Food for Your Party form_header=Eat right during a party with catered health food! Do any of your guests have any known food allergies?= () Yes () No () Not Sure If so, what are the food allergies?=_ Would you like to include sugar-free desserts?= () Yes () No () Not Sure Please explain the event in detail.=_

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a sweet juicy apple or a soft lucious banana or a crisp crunchy carrot or some sour yummy grapes

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