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Tanks. HEAT is High Explosive Anti-Tank.

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Tanks. HEAT is High Explosive Anti-Tank.

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H-E-A-T=High Explosive Anti Tank

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HEAT stands for High Explosive Anti-Tank. It is an explosive shaped charged designed to penetrate armour plate.

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Anti-Tank rockets (like bazookas) or recoilless rifles that fire anti-tank High-explosive rounds could have been used in the jungles against bunkers or fortifications. But not "Anti-tank missiles". The anti-tank (guided) missiles were developed after WW2.

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Tanks typically have 3 different kinds of guns- light and heavy machine guns, and the main cannon. The exact type of shell will vary with the type (and age) of the cannon. They may include high explosive shells that detonate on impact, an anti-personnel shell with small steel darts (known as flechettes) HEAT (high explosive anti-tank) HEP (High Explosive Plastic, known in Europe as High Explosive Squash Head - HESH) and a high velocity anti-tank shell that is a very hard, very heavy dart carried in a discarding "shoe" or sleeve (known as Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot - APFSDS ammunition). Some tanks have also been capable of firing a guided anti-tank missle from their cannon. This is a very brief answer to a very complex field of study.

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