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Yes. Answered it/found it myself.

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Yes. Answered it/found it myself.

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Yes. Answered it/found it myself.

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Of course you can. You can do any thing if you have enoff brains and money!

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Most likely FAA had warned pilots about homebuilt aircraft that are made by those that are not professionals. FAA said that more than 200 homemade planes crashed each year. The Federal Aviation Administration was investigating homebuilt airplane crashes and including homemade helicopter crashes. There was 1 homebuilt aircraft piloted by a man in Miami Florida. The pilot contacted the air traffic controller at Charlotte County Airport in Miami that he was able to make a very soft landing on grassy areas near runway 15 but it really turned out that when his plane's landing hit the grass. It damaged the landing gear causing it to rip and made the entire aircraft flip over upside-down. FAA was investigating the homemade aircraft crash at Charlotte County Airport and said that the pilot got lucky that he was not hurt.The BD-10, is also a homebuilt aircraft for the civil aviation and for the military. BD-10 is also a supersonic aircraft that is homemade as a military jet trainer and over 300 BD-10 homemade supersonic jets crashed each year. FAA announced that the BD-10 supersonic aircraft is now illegal. FAA warned a lot of homebuilt aircraft owners about planes that are homemade and said that pilots had suffered 2% due to homemade aircraft crashes each year. And now that all homemade planes built from kit are canceled by the law. Now most people had started building homemade planes out of blueprints and learned what they are doing what to to do to make homebuilt aircraft safer to fly. It depends on how they are built to fly and how safe they are. Yes, some homebuilt aircraft are safe and other homebuilt aircraft are very dangerous to fly.

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An aircraft can cost anywhere from $10,000 for a old run-down homebuilt, to a few hundred million for a large transport category aircraft, like the Boeing 787.

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