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Huaca Prieta is the site of an ancient settlement in Chicama Valley, Peru. It was occupied from around 3100-1800 BCE.

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Huaca Prieta is the site of an ancient settlement in Chicama Valley, Peru. It was occupied from around 3100-1800 BCE.

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It is a neighborhood in the city and port of Veracruz, in the Gulf of Mexico.

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The beliefs of the Inca were based on the worship of dieties and huaca/sacred places. They believed the sun was the father of the Inca emperor and the moon the mother. They also worshiped the land if they were farmers and the sea if they were fishermen. As for the worship of the huaca, they considered mountain tops and the emperors palace sacred. The stars also had a place in the Inca worship practices.

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The beliefs of the Inca were based on the worship of dieties and huaca/sacred places. They believed the sun was the father of the Inca emperor and the moon the mother. They also worshiped the land if they were farmers and the sea if they were fishermen. As for the worship of the huaca, they considered mountain tops and the emperors palace sacred. The stars also had a place in the Inca worship practices.

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