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How much hp do you want? Start with a K & N intake with a cat back exhaust...Gibson or any other name brand. That's always a good start and puts you around $500 for both installed. These together will give roughly 30+ hp, but so much for your mpg's. Go from bad to worse...depending on how you drive.

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How much hp do you want? Start with a K & N intake with a cat back exhaust...Gibson or any other name brand. That's always a good start and puts you around $500 for both installed. These together will give roughly 30+ hp, but so much for your mpg's. Go from bad to worse...depending on how you drive.

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If the idea is to put on weight, then it is essential to eat more fatty foods such as chips, burgers and other types of junk foods - this fat contains a lot of energy and what isn't used immediately is stored in the body as glycogen in fat cells, hence a gain in weight. If you do a lot of exercise, it may be wise to cut down on it while you attempt to gain weight, otherwise the energy you are putting into your body may be leaving too quickly, halting weight gain.

One to this question would be comfort eating. If you are bullied in school, one reaction to this would be to go home and eat to comfort yourself. Some people are prone to this behaviour, especially if they have grown up in a family where you eat to feel good or cheer up. It only works for the moment though, and the result is often weight gain. The weight gain can also be something bullies pick on, therefore the eating behaviour is contributing to a vicious circle that is hard to break for the affected person.

The problem is not putting on weight but the teasing. People will tease you no matter what: you're too thin, too fat, too tall, too short. The is not to try to modify yourself - because that is impossible and pointless - but to learn not to let the teasing annoy you. People will only tease you if they get a reaction and that reaction has to be one that increases their own sense of worth. If the reaction is that you and everyone else just thinks they are an idiot they will stop the teasing and, hopefully, learn to grow up. So understand that people tease you because THEY feel inadequate and don't let them make YOU feel inadequate. Ignore them or laugh at them and ask yourself why anyone's else's opinion of you is that important to you. Learn to like yourself, in other words. Hard to do, of course and something most of us spend our whole lives trying for.


If you wish to gain weight due to health issues, not teasing, then the best way to do it is to increase your intake of healthy food not junk food. Junk food will add additional fat, and other negatives to your body (salt, sugar etc) You want to increst the amount of healthy foods you eat that include a high amount of protine. If your main motivation is due to teasing I suggest you think about why you feel you should gain the weight. In any case - gaining weight or losing weight you should speak to your family doctor first.

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i can go on man.

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