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Intervention is the primary prevention method for stopping sexual violence. What is intervention?

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Intervention is the primary prevention method for stopping sexual violence. What is intervention?

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Drug addiction intervention can be very significant in reducing the cases of drugs and substance abuse. Highly trained counselors who do the drug intervention programs can motivate more drug addicts to change their lives and live away of drugs.

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intervention is a confrontational meeting of one or more individuals in an attempt to urge someone to seek professional treatment.When you ask the average person what he/she thinks an intervention is the usual response is pertaining to someone with an addiction to drugs. Most people do not realize that there are many other forms of mental illness which may require an intervention. Substance abuse is the most common reason for an intervention, but there are other addictions such as gambling, sex, hoarding, and eating disorders which require professional help.

An intervention consists of a confrontational meeting where the family or friends of an individual gives an ultimatum to their loved one in order to get them to seek professional help. Interventions can be very effective if the family or friends involved have the courage to come forward and put their feet down to save the life of a loved one. If the interventionists remain strong the chances of the intervention being a success are greatly increased. On the other hand if they are weak minded and do not stand by their decisions the chances of their loved one suffering more is increased. In some cases death may be a real possibility.

When giving an ultimatum to someone there is a thin line you must walk in order to successfully get your point across while making sure not to appear to be attacking the individual who needs help. Most people, especially addicts, will look for any excuse to leave the intervention. When they feel cornered or attacked they will go into a fight or flight mode. The best way to relieve some of the pressure from their shoulders is for you to try to explain how their behavior effects you. Avoid blaming them for anything, but let them know that they have effected you in a negative way. It is a good idea to have a professional at the intervention who can mediate and keep the confrontation from becoming heated. If you know someone who needs help have the courage to confront them.

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