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king laomedon

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king laomedon

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Laomedon, the king of Troy, promised to reward Poseidon and Apollo for building protective walls around Troy. Laomedon later reneged on his promise, angering Poseidon, who sent a sea monster to attack Troy for the king's betrayal.

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No, Priam was not a god. He was the king of Troy, the son of Laomedon and Placia, Strymo (or Rhoeo) or Leucippe.

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Athena, Hera, and Poseidon

Athena and Hera were mad at Troy because Paris had deemed Aphrodite the fairest instead of them. Poseidon has a grudge against Troy because of something Priam's ancestors had done. Zeus had sent Poseidon and Apollo to help King Laomedon of Troy build the walls of Troy. King Laomedon promised to reward them richly but then did not. Poseidon was mad and sent a sea monster, which was killed by Hercules, to attack Troy. He was still holding the grudge during the Trojan War.

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The father of Priam was Laomedon.

His daughters :








His sons:








Ganymede (sometimes his son, sometimes his uncle)

Podarces, afterwards called Priam*

(Note that all the brothers of Priam were killed by Heracles becasue Laomedon planned on sacrificing his daughter Hesione to Poseidon in the hope of appeasing him. Poseidon and Apollo had built the walls of Troy for wages and not been paid them; Apollo sent sickness and Poseidon a sea monster.

Heracles (along with Oicles and Telamon) rescued her at the last minute and killed the monster. Laomedon had promised them the magic horses as a reward for their deeds, but when he broke his word, Heracles and his allies took vengeance by putting Troy to siege, killing Laomedon and all his sons save Podarces, who saved his own life by giving Heracles a golden veil Hesione had made (and therefore was afterwards called Priam, from priamai 'to buy'). Telamon took Hesione as a war prize and married her; they had a son called Teucer.)

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