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If you mean LeetSpeak its /\/\355463 804|2|)

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If you mean LeetSpeak its /\/\355463 804|2|)

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Leetspeak (colloquially known as "leet" and "eleet") is a manipulation of the English language primarily for use on the Internet. Leetspeak uses a variety of ASCII characters to replace letters:

  • For example, the word "elite" can be replaced with "1337" where the numbers have a similar appearance to the word "leet" which is short for "elite".
  • In another example, the word "hacker" can be replaced with "H4X0R".

It is important to note, however, that leetspeak is usually different from Internet slang (colloquially known as "chatspeak") which normally uses a combination of acronyms and symbols that can be easily understood:

  • For example, the phrase "laugh out loud" originated from the acronym "LOL" which is representative of the user laughing.
  • In another example, a user may signify that he is happy by using the symbol "=)", which has a similar appearance to a smiley face. Note that the equal sign, "=", is sometimes replaced with a colon, ":", and the parenthesis, ")", may sometimes be replaced with a bracket, "]".
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in leetspeak (leet or l337) the slang 'own' or derivatives 'pwn' 'pown' are used to denote rulership.

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The most accepted, and possible correct, spelling of "leet" is "1337" in "leet"-speek and is short for the English word elite. One can be come proficient in "leet"-speak by studying its morphology, grammar and vocabulary.

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L33T is the same thing as 1337

its the language where you replace letters with numbers

also known as leetspeak or leetors

(ex- 7h15 15 5p34k1ng 1337 (this is speaking leet))

Most players find this really annoying.\]

Using the "@" is some people make an "a" but is not the real way, susposed to be numbers for letters, not signs.

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