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here is a good website to find a list of Brazilian dances:

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here is a good website to find a list of Brazilian dances:

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To find a list of the more famous folk dances you would have to go by each country or region's dances. Thankfully you can find a list of any region's folk dances online at the Wikipedia website.

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Latin ballroom

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It will be difficult to get a "complete" list of the folk dances of the Philippines. Although there are books out there that provided the dance instructions, there are still many dances that are not recorded for the public. They still remain in the possession of the scholars who have gone on research missions. To this day many new dances are being created amongs all the various Filipino ethnic cultures found throughout the Philippines

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Organum is a two-part form of early polyphony

An instrumental piece of music consisting of set of dances in a particular order usually sharing the same key

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