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Lymphangioma is a benign tumor of the network of lymph vessels

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Lymphangioma is a benign tumor of the network of lymph vessels

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Surgery at young age, i.e. iatrogenic

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Lymphangioma is rare. Lymphangioma, is a lymphatic malformation, a benign proliferation of lymph vessels, or a yellow-ish tumor on the skin, composed of a mass of dilated lymph vessels. It is often removed by surgery or a form of surgery using an electric current electrocoagulation for cosmetic reasons. It is rare, incidence estimated to be around 1 per 10 000 live births. They are fluid filled sacs that result from blockage of the lymphatic system. They are often associated with karyotype abnormalities such as Turner syndrome. These tumors may occur anywhere but usually occur in the head and neck (75%), with a predilection for the left side. Most (90%) are either evident at birth or become evident before age 2 years. Other types of Lymphangioma are Cystic lymphangioma(Cystic Hygroma), Lymphangioma cavernosum and Lymphangioma circumscriptum. The tumor is a hamartoma or vascular developmental abnormality arising from lymphatic vessels, manifesting as a raised, soft, shaggy, bubbly, pinkish-white lesion; cosmetic considerations may warrant attempted But don't fret if you have it. I have it. Mine's below my belly button, but above my groin. When it fills with blood (It turns a dark red or purple), It is irritated. You won't get a tumor unless it's in/on your neck. Your choices are: Get it removed in surgery (though it may come back due to the fact that it's a virus) or just live with it. Unless It starts to spread to your neck, I wouldn't bother it. Surgery is an option. If it has started to grow into a tumor, you should definatly get it removed (Age usually doesn't matter).

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It is called a hemangioma (hem- means blood, -angi- means vessel, -oma means tumor).

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