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Mongongo trees are plentiful throughout Souther Africa and are a staple food source for Kalahari bushmen.

Elephants also eat the nuts direct from the trees but only the outer flesh is digested - the hard inner nut passes through the digestive system and is excreted in the dung. The bushmen then collect the nuts from the dung. They also collect the nuts direct from the trees, but is is much easier to allow the elephants to carry out the collecting and shelling processes.

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Acorn, Almond, BeechFavus, Breadnut, Brazil nut, Candlenut, Cashew, Chestnuts, Coconut, Colocynth, Chilacayote, Chilean hazel, Filbert, Hazelnut, Hickory, Kola nut, Macadamia, Mamoncillo, Mongongo, Ogbono nut, Paradise nut, Peanut, Pili nut, Pistachio, Walnut,

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* Acorn, used to make Dotorimuk * Almond * Beech * Butternut * Brazilnut * Candlenut * Cashew * Chestnuts, including: * Chinese Chestnut * Malabar chestnut * Sweet Chestnut * Colocynth * Cucurbita ficifolia * Filbert * Gevuina avellana * Hazelnut * Hickory, including * Pecan * Shagbark Hickory * Kola nut * Macadamia * Mamoncillo * Maya nut * Mongongo * Oak acorns * Ogbono nut * Paradise nut * Pili nut * Pistachio * Walnut

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