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Muscles that move bones are called Smooth muscle cells or Skeletal muscles

3 answers

Muscles that are under your control are known as voluntary muscles. The arms, legs, and face muscles are prime examples, as they are muscles under your control.

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lalalalalal muscles

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Muscles of the wrists include carpal muscles and extrinsic hand muscles.

2 answers

Voluntary muscles are muscles that you control.

7 answers

they are called antagonistic muscles.

1 answer

The muscles that primarily move bones are the skeletal muscles, such as the hamstrings, quadriceps, biceps, abdominals, etc.

1 answer

Muscles that elevate the angle of the mouth?

1 answer

Muscles that raise a part of the body are known as elevators or agonists. These muscles work in opposition to the muscles that lower the body part, known as depressors or antagonists.

2 answers

Muscles within the brachium are responsible for the extension of the elbow. These muscles also work for the flexing of the arm as well.

1 answer

Muscles that move without conscious control are called involuntary muscles. Examples include smooth muscles in organs like the stomach and blood vessels, and cardiac muscle in the heart. These muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system and work automatically to carry out vital functions in the body.

3 answers

Cardiac muscles are found only in the walls of the heart. They are specialized muscles that contract and relax to pump blood throughout the body, and they are involuntary, meaning we cannot control their contraction.

2 answers

Muscles in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles help to inhale the air needed to blow up a balloon. The muscles in the cheeks and lips are used to create the necessary pressure to blow the air into the balloon. Additionally, the abdominal muscles can be engaged to provide extra force when exhaling.

1 answer

I can think of a few. Theres the Deltoids, the Pectoris Major, the muscles in your hand and some muscles called the flexis or something.

Ranga Roo

1 answer

Between the ribs ie. intercostal muscles.

1 answer

yes! if we diddnt have muscles we would juat flop and we could not walk!

1 answer

Muscles involved in chewing are the masseteres, temporalis, and medial and lateral pterygoids.

1 answer

muscles bend limbs by pulling, they can not push. the answer is; a muscle is a muscle.

1 answer

You cannot control the muscles in your heart and brain, and also your lungs, because they work automatically.

4 answers

Muscles that are used for kissing are 34 facial muscles, and 112 postural muscles.

The most important one is orbicularis oris muscle, which encircles mouth.

6 answers

Yes, muscles can only shorten and relax. They can only pull.

1 answer

Involuntary muscles move without conscious effort - the heart, for example.

1 answer

Most muscles are under voluntary control, save for reflexive responses. However, the muscles that operate the heart and lungs, for example, are autonomic or under non-voluntary control.

1 answer

The bones adequately support the muscles, and the muscles move the skeletal system. They coincide with each other in order to work. one system could not work without the other.

1 answer

Muscles contain an oxygen storage pigment called myoglobin. Myoglobin helps muscles store and transport oxygen for energy production during exercise.

2 answers

Muscles which produce scapular adduction (retraction) Rhomboid MajorRhomboid MinorTrapeziusLatissimus Dorsi

1 answer

genioglossus, geniohyoid, omohyoid, digastric anterior belly, hyoglossus

2 answers

Sphincter muscles. They are smooth muscles found in various parts of the body, such as the digestive system and urinary tract, and control the opening and closing of tubes or openings.

2 answers

??? Do you mean do you need muscles for matial arts? If yes, than it depends on what kind of matial arts

1 answer

DB flys work your pec muscles in the chest, your also using your arms.

1 answer

Muscles are names according to size, shape, direction of fibers, location, attachment, number of attachments, and function.

1 answer

On this basis you can classify it into two groups; one is called involuntary and the other one is known as voluntary. There is another way to classify muscles and in this classification morphology is taken into consideration. In accordance with this classification, there are two types of muscles; one is called striated and another one is called non-striated.

2 answers

The muscles that contract to bring two bones closer together are called flexor muscles. These muscles work by decreasing the angle between the two bones, resulting in movement such as bending the arm or leg.

2 answers

Muscles will ordinarily stay healthy if they are regularly active. They must be used daily for them to stay active.

1 answer

I say tendons

1 answer

orbicularis oculi

1 answer