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Zakir Naik has a wife (Farhat Zakir Naik) who also is an Islamic preacher. Zakir Naik said in one of his lectures that he wanted to marry a preacher as well. He has one son (Fariq Naik) and one daughter (Rushda Naik). Fariq Naik gives lectures on Islam as well.

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Zakir Naik has a wife (Farhat Zakir Naik) who also is an Islamic preacher. Zakir Naik said in one of his lectures that he wanted to marry a preacher as well. He has one son (Fariq Naik) and one daughter (Rushda Naik). Fariq Naik gives lectures on Islam as well.

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Yes Naik is a given last name. In old times some families got this tittle from Kings and they managed and were handling group of villiges. In south India Nayak is the similar last name.

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Vasantrao Naik died in 1979.

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Ranjit Naik died in 2004.

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A. M. Naik was born in 1942.

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