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what is the name of the mud volcano in Indonesia what is the name of the mud volcano in Indonesia

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what is the name of the mud volcano in Indonesia what is the name of the mud volcano in Indonesia

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My Name Is Mud was created in 1993.

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a mud skipper

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His Name Was Mud - 1900 was released on:

USA: July 1900

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In the 16th Century the word 'mud' was used to describe anything that was worthless and was linked with other English phrases such as 'dragged through the mud - mud in your eye. In the 19th century more phrases came into being, such as 'as thick as mud - as rich as mud - as fat as mud'. It was only a matter of time before the word was used in connection with someone's name. Thus an insult came into being as 'your name is mud' meaning you are unpopular.

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