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The Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force in existence during the period of Nazi Germany, notably between 1936 and 1945. It was increasingly absorbed into the Nazi police system. Owing to their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).

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The Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) was the name for the uniformed regular German police force in existence during the period of Nazi Germany, notably between 1936 and 1945. It was increasingly absorbed into the Nazi police system. Owing to their green uniforms, they were also referred to as Grüne Polizei (green police).

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Kurt Daluege - Commander of the Ordnungspolizei

Sepp Dietrich - Original commander of the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) and later commander of the 6th SS Panzer Army

Paul Hausser - Commander of the II SS Panzer Corps

Franz Xaver Schwarz - NSDAP Treasurer

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The Grϋne Polize and Gestapo often offered incentives or bribes to the German public for giving up the locations of Jewish members of the community. This most notably was the case with Anne Franks.

The police were divided into the Ordnungspolizei(Orpo or regular police and nicknamed the Grϋne Polize) and the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo or security police), which had been established in June 1936. The Orpo assumed duties of regular uniformed law enforcement while the SiPo consisted of the secret state police (Geheime Staatspolizei or Gestapo) and criminal investigation police (Kriminalpolizei or Kripo). It was the Gestapo who were mainly involve with the detection of hidden Jews.

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OMAHA Beach Okaniwa General Omar Bradley Ortona - battle in Italy "O" is the designation for a number of US aircraft designated as "Observation aircraft, such as O-1. OSS- British intelligence unit. OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) - German Armed Forces High command OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres) - Army High Command. OBSW (Oberbefehlshaber Sud West) - German Army Command in Italy OKM (Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine) - Navy High Command. Ordnungspolizei, Ordinary Police(Orpo), a part of the German police. Opera Nazionale Balilla (ONB) - Balilla National Organisation, Youngest age group of the Fascist Youth(GIL). Opera Nazionale Dopolavoro (OND) - Fascist institution organizing the after-work leisure activities of Italians. Oxs and Bucks - name of a British regiment.

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The Einsatzgruppen were paramilitary groups formed under the direction of Reinhard Heydrich, deputy to Heinrich Himmler and operated by the Schutzstaffel (SS) before and during World War II. Their principal task, according to SS General Erich von dem Bach, at the Nuremberg Trials: "was the annihilation of the Jews, Gypsies, and Soviet political commissars". They were a key component in the implementation of the final solution of the Jewish question (German: 'Die Endlösung der Judenfrage) in the conquered territories. Formed mainly of men from the Ordnungspolizei, the Waffen-SS, and local volunteers, and led by Gestapo, Kripo, and SD officers, these death squads followed the Wehrmacht as it advanced eastwards through Eastern Europe en route to the Soviet Union. In occupied territory, the Einsatzgruppen also used the local populace for additional security and manpower when needed. The activities of the Einsatzgruppen were spread through a large pool of soldiers from the branches of the SS and Reich.

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